Our Team
We are a relatively young and ever-expanding company, with the dream of taking our method beyond national borders and – why not – one day, worldwide!
Today, EolicA consists of technical management and operational staff. As far as technical management is concerned, it is represented by:
Lorenzo FRAU – French-Italian aerospace engineer, specialized in composite materials. He has been managing the operations of the wind power business for two years, on behalf of EdiliziAcrobatica S.p.A.
Jean-Paul LOPEZ –
- French chemical engineer, mountaineering and boating enthusiast, he combined new rope and platform access methods with his knowledge of composite repair.
He started the business in 2009 and developed it to date, working in France, Croatia and overseas, and specialising in repairing wind turbine blades.
Sébastien DI STEFANO – French engineer, specialized in composite materials. Eight years of competitive cycling introduced him to the world of composites. After six months of training in both blade repair techniques and wind farm management, the adventure through EolicA continues with operations management in France.
Our Team
We are a relatively young and ever-expanding company, with the dream of taking our method beyond national borders and – why not – one day, worldwide!
Today, EolicA consists of technical management and operational staff. As far as technical management is concerned, it is represented by:
Lorenzo FRAU – French-Italian aerospace engineer, specialized in composite materials. He has been managing the operations of the wind power business for two years, on behalf of EdiliziAcrobatica S.p.A.
Jean-Paul LOPEZ –
- French chemical engineer, mountaineering and boating enthusiast, he combined new rope and platform access methods with his knowledge of composite repair.
He started the business in 2009 and developed it to date, working in France, Croatia and overseas, and specialising in repairing wind turbine blades.
Sébastien DI STEFANO – French engineer, specialized in composite materials. Eight years of competitive cycling introduced him to the world of composites. After six months of training in both blade repair techniques and wind farm management, the adventure through EolicA continues with operations management in France.
In terms of operational staff, EolicA can currently count on two teams of French technicians for a total of 6 people, and an Italian team in training with 3 technicians.
All operators have specific training courses and qualifications, including:
- GWO – Basic Safety Training
- Working at height
- Manual Handling
- Firefighting Awareness
- First Aid
- Difficult-access work at heights and ‘Work on ropes’ licence
- Working in confined industrial spaces
- Electrical risk qualification
- Assembly and conduction of suspended platforms (mobilisation and demobilisation, troubleshooting, platform operation, including TIRAK and BSO winch, manual emergency lowering, technical specifications, rigging procedure, daily checks)
- Verification of (manual) devices and lifting accessories, according to the French Decree of 1 March 2004
Our specialised teams
Our operators and executives are trained and qualified for turbine access according to the GWO standard.
Our technicians are qualified to work on ropes according to Italian and French regulations.
In particular, we have started to standardize our protocols, by working alongside the IRATA certifying body, with which we are going through the accreditation process.
Our teams attend continuous refresher courses in composite repair, thanks to the in-house training programme we have developed over the years, involving several experts in the field.